Saturday, September 6, 2014

Take a break, sip that tea and let go...!

Sometimes taking a long break from everything is just so worth it. This time around I took one. We get so engrossed in the nitty-gritties of life that we forget to breathe, to let go, to relax. I have always loved how things have really shaped up in my life, God has been really kind to me, time and again I have seen circumstances which I thought would made me question God's existence in that very moment but each time I have been proven wrong, God has his own ways of giving us what we really need, how we maintain our poise in life is what we require to learn.

There comes a time in everybody's life when they want to move away from all the drama around, when they want to enjoy the company of people close to them, when their happiness does take a prime seat and I would like to mention here that it is not because of selfishness, it's because it's important to take time out for your own happiness and joy. It's essential to enjoy your own company for your overall well being.

Someone has rightly said never postpone joy, life is a beautiful adventure. Take time out for your self, do things which give you happiness, like dancing as if no one is watching, watching the movie which everyone around you apparently hates but you liked it in the first place and so be it, people ignore their innermost feelings, health is just not taken care of in pursuit of wealth. We all deserve abundance of health, wealth and happiness and in order to welcome all of this in infinite amounts, we need to take care of what we are telling, what drum we are beating and what stories we are narrating.

From the past one month, I have listened to my heart, did things which gave me immense happiness and spoke to people who didn't judge me, loved me for who I am and let go of people and things which didn't do me any good, infact I realized that letting go is to accept and for the first time in life I am happy to accept myself the way I am. In the pursuit of  knowing myself by taking this break from everything, I have found a fraction of myself and on this voyage I have also realized that the road to find oneself is not that long, it has sharp curves but in the end I think it's all worth it.

I will have to write my experiences of my pursuit of happiness in many pages but I can show the glimpse of my life via some pictures. Just normal day to day things but this time around all this felt real.
Did Yoga in the woods!

Also in the rain, felt great

Supported a cause, #doitforthelove

Baked with friends!

Met Michael Franti and attended his concert
I hope somewhere each one of you will relate to this post of mine and surely would take a break ,sip that tea and will let go of things which liberates you from that invisible bondage.

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